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Saturn Raw. | 3.Part Series

surf -

A hard drive dig into the trips that became Saturn

In celebration of our new drop of Y2K-inspired Saturn collection apparel, wetsuits and boardshorts we went back through the hard drives of footage that eventually became our Saturn surf film.


Over the next few weeks, we'll release three extended Saturn Raw edits of Kael Walsh, Rolando "Rolo" Montes, and Al Cleland Jr. tripping through East Coast Australia, Indonesia and Western Oz.

Saturn Raw. East Coast Australia

Trials and tribulations. Attempts and floggings. Go behind the scenes into all that went down along the south coast of Australia as captured by Wade Carroll, Dav Fox & Rolo Montes.

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 AUS Raw Cuts captured by Wade Carroll, Rex Link-Mowday & Rolo Montes along the west coast of Australia between July 30 - Aug 5, 2022.  Featuring Kael Walsh & Rolando "Rolo" Montes.

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A hard drive dig into the trips that made the film, Indo raw cuts. featuring Kael Walsh, Rolando "Rolo" Montes & Al Cleland Jr., captured by Wade Carroll & Nate Lawrence in Indonesia, June 2022.

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New Arrivals | Saturn Collection Returns

Back for more. Y2K was all about progression and aggression. Saturn rips into that energy. Longer boardies, classic graphic placements, primary colors. All killer, no filler.